With the end of this wave of Covid maybe in sight, vigilance is needed amid a temptation to drop the guard

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial of January 2 2020:

We seem to be so close yet still so far.

The roll out of the overall vaccine programme and the approval of the AstraZeneca jab means that a possible end to the Covid-19 crisis is in sight.

The GP Dr Tom Black says that it is possible that a 90% fall in virus deaths could be achieved by Easter.

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Such estimates are a psychological encouragement to us all to be vigilant over the next two months.

There was an understandable dropping of the guard over Christmas, after nine months in which people across society missed a normal working, social and leisure life.

Thousands of people missed events as important as funerals and weddings. Many thousands have lost their jobs and some people have seen a lifetime’s business destroyed.

But the stress and fatigue caused by this and the desire for some semblance of a normal Christmas might well have led to an increase in infections (we will not be sure due to the time lag, but it is likely).

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There are still big debates to be had as to whether the scale of lockdowns have been appropriate, or whether we have caused more harm to society than we saved. But it will be years before a definitive verdict on that can be reached.

Having gone this far, extreme caution, especially around vulnerable people, is desirable in these weeks, while we try to get pupils back to school as soon as practicable — in particular exam year children.

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Alistair Bushe
